2019年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 3 Topic 13 给他人建议

Topic 13 给他人建议

1. What kinds of advice do parents give to their children?
Parents want their children to succeed and be happy. So they give them advice that will help with that.
For instance, if children are facing a problem, parents will encourage them to not give up. Or they might tell their children to be optimistic instead of complaining108. Everyone wants their kid to do well,so they give them the best advice they can.

2. What advice do parents often give to teenagers about making friends?
Usually, parents encourage teenagers to be active when it comes to making friends. It’s easier to befriend someone109 when you start the conversation first. A lot of parents also tell teenagers not to give into peer pressure110. Sometimes when you make friends, you might be tempted to111 follow what they are doing. But it’s best to stick to your guns112 and avoid doing anything stupid.

3. Should parents get involved in their children’s friendships?
I don’t think parents should take actions with their children’s friendships, even if they fight with their friends113. If parents help too much, they might make the situation even worse. They can just teach their children what qualities a good friend should have. They can let them choose who to be friends with.

4. How do experts give advice to others? (e.g. a doctor gives advice to his patients); What personal qualities should experts have?
Well, experts are very calm and helpful when they give advice. They try to give us all the right information. And if needed, they can explain it more than once so we can fully understand. So to be an expert in something114, you should be patient and hardworking. You can’t just give up when things get hard. Otherwise, you won’t do very well in your field.

5. Whose advice is more helpful? Parents’ or friends’?
I think parents’ advice is more helpful. Your friends might know you even better than your parents do.
But your parents have more experience. They’ve been alive longer115 than you or your friends. So it’s best to listen to their advice. Your friends might give you bad advice even if they don’t mean to116. I always listen to my parents before my friends.

108 be optimistic instead of complaining: 乐观一些,不要只是抱怨
109 befriend someone:和某人成为朋友
110 give into peer pressure:屈服于同伴的压力
111 be tempted to: 受到诱惑
112 stick to your guns:坚持自己的立场
113 fight with their friends:和朋友争吵打架
114 to be an expert in something:成为某方面的专家
115 They’ve been alive longer: 他们比你活的久,比你走的路要多
116 even if they don’t mean to: 即使他们不是故意的
