雅思口语Part3:崇拜的有技能的人 Describe a creative person that you admire

Describe a creative person that you admire
• Who is this person
• How do you know this person
• What creative things this person likes to do
• And explain why you admire this person


• Everyone admires creativity and creative people.
• I know many people who are very creative.
• Some can do wonders with paint and brush, and some can do wonders with needle and thread.
• Here, I would like to talk about my cousin, Vineeta, who is very creative by nature.
• She is 25 years old and is not very tall, but looks very beautiful.
• She is fair complexioned, and generally likes to wear traditional Punjabi suits.
• She has done her Masters in Home Science, and is good at many forms of art.
• When she is in the kitchen, she can create new dishes.
• Her way of presentation is also very good.
• She is fond of embroidery and has embroidered many wall hangings and suits.
• Once she gifted me a suit embroidered by her.
• Whenever I wear it, I get many compliments.
• She can also stitch all types of fancy suits herself.
• Everyone in our family says that she has got magic in her hands.
• I admire her a lot and try to learn many things from her.
• Last Diwali, she made a Rangoli decoration, which was superb.
• She doesn’t even need to draw the designs.
• During college days, she participated in many youth fests and won many trophies for her college.
• One niche in her house is full of awards and medals won by her.
• She makes hand knitted sweaters, which look better than readymade ones.
• She has made many crochet doilies to decorate the home.


1. What can schools do to nurture children’ s creativity?
Schools can do a lot to nurture children’s creativity. They can have art periods in schools. They can hold competitions and encourage the talented children.
2. Why do some people copy each other’s ideas these days?
Some people copy others ideas because they are themselves not very creative. Instead of working on innovative ideas themselves, they find the easy way out and become copycats. Secondly, some people have inborn talent and have unique ideas of their own. So other people are just inspired and copy them because they want to be like them.
3. Do you think art can make a person more creative?
Yes, definitely. Art can bring out hidden talent. Art is a form of expression. Many people can convey through art, what cannot be explained by a thousand words.
4. Do you think you were more creative when you were young?
Yes, perhaps I was. Now, I don’t get much time to do creative things. My mother tells me that I used to draw a lot in childhood.
5. What’s the most creative thing that you have ever done or made?
Last year I learnt 3D origami, a Chinese art from the net. I made a swan. Origami is a Japanese art, but 3D origami is Chinese art. My friend sent me a link, and I learnt it from there. No one can believe that the swan is made of paper. It is very easy, but time consuming and needs a lot of patience.
