
The most embarrassing moment in your life
You should:
Describe the event
Why did you feel so much embarrassed?
Can we avoid these kinds of incidents?

The most embarrassing moment in my life was when I went to school without my books. I was studying really hard all night, actually I was pulling an all-nighter, and I forgot to bring my book to school. As I was sitting in the class my math teacher asked all the students to take their books out, and as the students were taking their book out the principal entered the class.


I put my hand in the bag and I realized that I had forgotten the books at home. Everyone in the class had brought the books and I was the only one who had not brought the books. Principal approached me and asked me that why had I not brought the books? I told him that I was studying late, so I forgot the books in house. He said that to me that the only reason you have to study at home is that you do not bring your books to school and you do not study over here. It was such an embarrassing moment for me that I felt like crying. The entire class started laughing at me and I was the new Dumbo of the class.


I do not think that we can avoid these embarrassing moments in our life. They are beyond our control as in my situation my hard work for the night was not acclaimed and a slightest mistake just turned out to be a blunder and I had to face embarrassment in front of the whole class. Some people say that we can avoid certain things to avoid these incidents, but I do not think in a similar way.

