Describe a shopping center you often go to.
You should say:
where the shopping center is
how often you go there
what it looks like
This topic is quite difficult for me to speak about. It depends on which bit of the subject is most important. You see, for me, ‘shopping center’ implies a big commercial area like a mall with lots of chain stores and possibly out of town. In fact, there is one outside Sheffield – the city where I live – it’s called ‘Meadow hall’ – but people locally refer to it as ‘Meadow-hell’ because it is vast and soulless. Some people love it because there is a huge selection of branded shops, but personally, I hate going there. I don’t really enjoy going shopping for the sake of it, and for me, the center lacks character. Therefore, if you want me to speak on the topic of a shopping center that ‘I often go to’ it would never be a large mall or retail center as such, it would be quite, quite different.
I’m therefore going to tell you about a different sort of shopping center that I go to often. I will interpret ‘shopping center’ as the place at which I do most of my shopping, and hope that that will be good enough for you! I will tell you where it is, how often I go there and why. I’ll try to convey something of its characteristics and explain why I end up nipping over there several times a week.
The shopping center is about 2 miles up the road from where I live. I could walk there, but when I go I’m usually heading there to do a big food shop and other errands, so I tend to take the car, or sometimes I’ll walk up and catch a bus back. The shops are in a sort of village at the edge of the city of Sheffield, it’s called Fuelwood. I go at least once a week to do my food shop at the local co-op mini-supermarket store, and I also visit the post office at the same time. However, there are other little shops there too – a newsagent; a florist; a greengrocer who sells high-quality fruit and veg and a really good hardware store for household storage and cleaning items. These are all quite handy, so sometimes I’ll just nip over to buy something specific like new batteries for a clock or bin-bags if I’ve let myself run out – I can be there and back in 20 minutes if I take the car. I probably end up going to the shopping area twice a week on average.
Why do I go? Because it’s near; the shops cater for almost all of my general needs; and because it’s local to me the staff know me. Sometimes they’ll have a chat in the post-office when I go to send a parcel and in the co-op the woman always gives me a double discount if she can (I have some special loyalty cards but I don’t always remember to have them with me so she gives me the benefit of the doubt). I also think that because most of the people who work in the shops own them (they are all small businesses) you get better service. The proprietors care very much about their customers, and they appreciate you coming back as a regular. It is a much friendlier and more personal experience than I’d get at a big anonymous out of town mall. Also, if I’m honest, because there aren’t that many shops were I go, I probably save quite bit of money. There is no temptation to impulse buy anything extravagant, or to sit down and have a cup of coffee every few yards either!
Sometimes I need things that I can’t get locally, like clothes or perhaps electrical items, and then I do have to grit my teeth and go into town, or head to the out of town mall – although I also do some of that kind of shopping on the internet these days. Anything to avoid the retail nightmare of Meadow hall – perhaps I’m just too old for that these days!