line graph about 3 methods(telephone, in person and email/letter) of how people contacted the tourism office of a certain city from January to June 2011.
The given line chart depicts the number of inquiries made to the tourist information office through various means of communication, between January and June 2001.
Overall, personal and telephonic enquiries showed an upward tendency, while inquiries by email and letter had faced the worst period.
Telephonic enquiries started at 800 in January and stabilized at this number till April 2001. After which experienced a steady growth and ended at around 1100 in June 2001. However, personal inquiries stood at the bottom point, 400 in January. Interestingly, the number of individual inquiries rocketed at just above 800 in March and surpassed information by telephone. Again, The figure increased rapidly, constituted 1200, after showing a steady period between March and April 2001.
The trend for inquiries by emails and letters stood at 600 in January. Inquiry office had approximately 400 inquiries in May 2001. In following month, this number is plummeted and accounted for only 200 in June 2001.