
2018-06-02: Task 2 (Australia; Singapore)
International Tourism is a good business but can lead to “fights” instead of understanding between tourists and locals.
Do you agree or disagree.

Tourism has a big share in every nation’s economy s it is a one-time investment and long-term gain. Tourism brings people’s together as i disagree with this statement because tourism enhances the international brotherhood and leads to peaceful future.
When people visit to other countries where they get knowledge about the local and national customs and tradition and they also share their customs and practices with them. It helps in to unite the different nations by spiritually and emotionally as people share their regional thoughts with others. For example, when international tourists visit India, they become astonished by knowing the diversity of this nation and sometimes they are trying to adopt certain cultural habits. However, sometimes an excessive number of tourists may disturb the normal life of locals due to over-exploitation of natural resources. A recent example of this incident happens in Shimla where an overload of the tourists lead to the shortage of water and it causes great hemorrhage to the local life’s. To avoid this type of problems, better policies should be employed by the government authorities.
International tourism provide a large share in nation’s economy, it provides various jobs in tourism section. People can also begin their own small business at the tourist places. For example, certain countries such as Thailand and Bhutan are well maintained their tourist places and obtain a large amount of investment in this section.
In conclusion, international tourism should be promoted as it forces the government authorities to maintain the heritage of the nation and most importantly it strengthens the nation’s economy.
