2019-01-25: Task 2Some young people are leaving countryside to live in cities or towns, it leaves only old people in countryside.What are the problems of this issue? What can be done to solve this problem?
In the today’s dynamically globalized world, an issue of moving out of young adults to developed has become one of the most crucial problems calling for immediate attention for governments. There seem to be a problem involved, and a solution, which I will examine further.
To begin with, our world has been developing constantly. There are a lot of new facilities in cities which are created literally everyday. Thus, megalopolises are required to find new people. Another aspect to be mentioned is that more young people are leaving countryside to become wealthy. Unfortunately, hardly can one deny that this trend is killing towns and countryside where young adults grew up. For instance, it was reported in 2017 in The New York Times that small towns in Russia are losing about 80 per cent of 20-odd people who moved to the cities annually because of money and possibilities.
Turning to possible solution, perhaps the immediate step for governments would be to make small towns more attractive for youngsters. This could be done thorough to transfer some huge companies to the countryside. Indeed, on several occasions such an approach was proven to be efficient. Take the case of Japan. About a decade ago the government of this country made a law that the biggest companies of Japan cannot be located in huge cities. As a result, young people stayed in their own towns since they did not need to leave it because of well-paid jobs or facilities.
To conclude, taking everything into account it must be said that, currently, this problem still is a crucial issue for our society. Countries should discover the Japan’s example to avoid such following problem as overpopulation in the future.