
2019-02-12: Task 2
Some people believe that children should be given lessons on how to manage money in the school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In running days, owing to enormous facilities available for children, carelessness attitude is gaining strength. Some people are of the view that kids should learn the concept of money management at school level. I completely support the idea as this would certainly have innumerable positive impacts. I shall elaborate my stance with valid arguments and examples in the following paragraphs.
Predominantly, one of the most evident benefit children will drive out of this approach would be the adaptability of rational utilization of money . While learning, they would realize the importance of money and ways through which they can spend their amount in more appropriate way. This approach will eventually benefit them in their practical life when they would have to handle bigger amounts. For instance, by learning to use their pocket money in a reasonable way at elementary level, at the adult age; it would be easier for them to manage budgets and finances of their homes.
To elucidate my stance further, another pivotal impact of this phenomenon would be the enhancement of sense of responsibility. By learning money management at younger age, they would realize the importance of money. This approach will broaden their views about finance management and would urge them to save money. I would like to quote my personal example here, in the childhood, I was taught to save one portion of my pocket money essentially. This habit of saving did not fade away when I grew old and this helps me a lot while home budgeting and handling my finances.
To recapitulate the aforementioned argument, I strongly agree to the approach of teaching kids about finance handling at young stage which will eventually help them at later stages in their lives. I suggest, Government should include such topics as part of essential learning at all school levels.
