2019-02-09雅思G类小作文全球真题:工作与课程冲突 解释信

2019-02-09: Task 1
You are currently running a course and have a part-time job. Your boss suggested that you leave your course and work full time. Write a letter to your boss.

In the letter, you should:

  • tell him/her your decision
  • explain the reason for your decision.

Dear Sir:
It is a great news for me that you are hoping to see me working at your office as a full time employee. I am pretty much excited about your offer as it has an attractive package. However, I might not be able to continue as a full time employee as I do have some unfinished exam.

I am currently at the last part of the Financial Analytics Course. I am doing well in this course. As I do have a finance background and I am working in your organization as a part time Investment Analytic thus this course is helping me to do well in my career. You might notice that this course is helping to improve my depth of knowledge and teaching me the practical implications. This is beneficial for your organization too. After completing this course I will be able to continue as a full time employee in your office.

This current situation is already known to you. It is thus up to you if you want me to continue as a part time employee and let me complete my course and be beneficial to your company or else.
I am so much grateful that you are considering my opinions. I am looking forward to get reply from you.
Yours faithfully,
Rafiur Rahman
