2019年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 1 Topic 13 Visit relatives 探亲

1. How often do you visit your relatives?
I don’t visit them very often. But my grandma lives very close to me. So I visit her almost once a week. She always cooks something special for me. Getting to visit her is so nice.

2. What do you do when visiting relatives?
I usually just chat with them. I’m often busy with work, so I don’t have much time to hang out. But when I can, I like sitting down and talking with them. It’s so nice to hear what’s new in their lives.

3. When was the last time you visited a relative?
I think the last time I visited a relative was a month ago. Actually I’ve been so busy with finishing up school. I’ve had to study for a lot of exams. But before I got busy, I visited my grandma. It was so nice talking to her.

4. Do you prefer visiting your friends or your relatives?
I love my family. But I prefer visiting my friends. We just have more shared interests. It’s easier to talk to them. I feel like I can be myself around them.

5. Why do people visit their relatives?
I think people visit their relatives to stay close to their family. You know, nowadays it’s easy to neglect relationships with your family. Everyone’s very busy with school and work. But visiting relatives helps strengthen your bond with them.
