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2019年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 2 Topic 46 常穿的衣服(女生版)Describe a piece of clothing that you often wear

Describe a piece of clothing that you often wear.
You should say:
What the item of clothing is;
Where and when you bought it;
When you wear it;
And explain why you like wearing it.

46. 常穿的衣服(女生版)

I’m going to talk about a T-shirt I have. It’s plain grey243 on the back. But on the front, there’s an embroidered wreath244. It’s very detailed and colorful. The word “lucky” is printed in the center.

If you look quickly at it, the details make it look pretty real245.If I remember right, I bought this T-shirt from Taobao two years ago. Most of my shirts were old at the time. I was thinking about buying a new one. When I saw this T-shirt, I loved it right away246. You know, it’s rare to see247 embroidery248 on a T-shirt. Everything is printed nowadays.I liked the unique design249 a lot.

The shirt cost 100 yuan, which is expensive for a T-shirt. Even though it cost me a lot, I still think it was totally worth it. I basically250 wear this T-shirt all the time. Even in winter, I wear it under my jacket. Some of my friends have asked me where I bought it, because they wanted the same style of T-shirt251.

The main reason I like this T-shirt so much is that the embroidery makes it stylish252. It gives it a retro look253. It doesn’t look like any normal T-shirt. Plus, maybe it’s the word “lucky” written in the wreath, I don’t know, but whenever I wear it, I feel that I have good luck.

243 plain grey: 浅灰色
244 embroidered wreath:刺绣的花环,embroidered /im’brɔidəd/ ,wreath /riːθ/
245 the details make it look pretty real:细节做的太好,让(刺绣)看上去很逼真
246 right away:立刻,马上
247 it’s rare to see:…很少见
248 embroidery: 刺绣,名词 /ɪm’brɔɪdəri/
249 the unique design:独特的设计
250 basically:基本上,几乎
251 the same style of T-shirt:同款 T 恤
252 stylish:时尚的,时髦的
253 a retro look: retro [‘rɛtro] 复古的样子
