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2019年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 2 Topic 48 特定节日/场合吃的食物 Describe a kind of food that people eat during special events

Describe a kind of food that people eat during special events
You should say:
What it is;
What event people usually eat it / why people eat it;
How it cooked;
And explain how you feel about this kind of food.

48. 特定节日/场合吃的食物

I’m going to talk about dumplings. In fact, in China, dumplings are a kind of special food served at almost every important holiday event. But since making dumplings is a little complex, people don’t make dumplings every day.

Anyway, as I just mentioned, we eat dumplings to celebrate lots of special days and events like New Year’s, the beginning of winter, weddings, or even a housewarming party. Actually Chinese people like eating dumplings because its name in Chinese sounds like a type of ancient money266,so dumplings mean good luck in our culture as well. Plus, dumplings are really tasty. Almost everyone I know loves eating dumplings.

As for how to make it, um…first of all, you have to prepare the dough267 and the stuffing268.The stuffing is made of many kinds of meats and vegetables. And then you need to make dumpling skins269 and wrap them in many ways. After that, the dumplings need to be cooked in a pot with boiling water. You can start having them when they look fluffy270.

I love dumplings, especially ones stuffed with pork and green onion271. I can usually eat at least twenty of them. Besides, I like making and eating them with my family. When we are making dumplings together, we can always chat a lot. It’s a great bonding272 experience for all of us.

266 ancient money:古代货币
267 dough:面团
268 stuffing: 馅料
269 dumpling skins:饺子皮
270 fluffy:蓬松的,白白胖胖的
271 stuffed with pork and green onion:猪肉大葱馅
272 bonding:彼此增进感情
