2019年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 3 Topic 29 早起的经历

Topic 29 早起的经历

1. What are the benefits of getting up early?
There are lots of pros to getting up early. One is having more time throughout the day. If you wake up early, you can get a lot more done than if you sleep in until noon258. So it’s great for work. You can check so many things off your to-do list. It can also give you more energy. Sometimes you can be tired from over-sleeping259.

2. What kind of people usually get up early, why?
I think people who are very busy get up early. They always have a lot of work to do, so waking up early means they have as much time as possible in a day260. Besides, people who have to look after young children get up early. Younger kids are usually awake pretty early. So their parents have to be awake early to take care of them.

3. Who sleeps longer, young people or old people?
I suppose that young people sleep longer than old people. For one, their bodies might still be changing.So they need to have more rest. For another, young people tend to be busier than old people, they need more rest so that they can work more productively. Old people get to retire and spend their time however they want261. So I don’t think they need to sleep for as long.

4. Is it good to work till late at night?
I don’t think it’s healthy. If you work too late, your body can feel much tired and weak, and you may have irregular heartbeats262. Actually you shouldn’t get up super early either. If you do either of those things, you’re probably going to tire yourself out263. You might end up getting anxiety or something bad like that. People who do night shifts264 should definitely sleep during the day so they don’t overwork themselves265.

5. Is it good to take a nap during the day?
Well, it’s good as long as you don’t do it too often. If you’re too tired, then a nap during the day is
helpful. It’ll give you more energy and allow you to keep working. A lack of rest can ruin all aspects
of your life266. So it’s good to sleep when you can. But if you nap all the time, you might become lazy.

6. What effect does sleeping in late have on a person’s life patterns?
I think that sleeping in late has bad effects. For one, it’ll probably make you really lazy. Sometimes
you can be tired from over-sleeping. So when you wake up late, you may have no energy to do anything.
Plus, if you sleep in late and miss work, you’ll start to get a bad reputation and might even lose your
job. You know, it’s really important to be punctual.

258 sleep in until noon:睡懒觉,一觉睡到中午
259 be tired from over-sleeping:睡得太多容易累
260 have as much time as possible in a day:一天中有尽可能的多的时间
261 spend their time however they want: 可以按照他们自己的方式来消磨时间
262 have irregular heartbeats: 心跳不规律
263 tire yourself out:把自己搞的累瘫
264 do night shifts:上夜班
265 overwork themselves:让自己过度劳累
266 A lack of rest can ruin all aspects of your life:缺觉会导致你什么都干不好
