2019年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 3 Topic 25 使用网络解决问题的经历

Topic 25 使用网络解决问题的经历

1. What do people do online in their spare time?
Well, there’s a lot to do on the internet. But when people have spare time, I think they usually just scroll through social media224. You know, it’s a pretty mindless225 activity that can waste a lot of time.But some people like to check out online news sites. That way, they can stay up to date with what’s happening in the world226.

2. Do you think many people waste their time online?
Yeah, I think it’s a big problem. Nowadays, it’s pretty easy to access the internet and waste time online.A lot of people waste time scrolling through social media. It’s such a mindless activity that can waste your day. Some people like to play games online too, which can be pretty unproductive.

3. Have you solved problems or found solutions on the internet?
Yeah, I’ve definitely solved problems with the internet. Whenever I’m not sure about something, I google227 it to find the answer. Once, I fought with228 my friend about the name of a famous author. To check who was right, we looked it up online. It turns out229 I was right! The internet was really helpful that day.

4. Do people use the internet to acquire knowledge?
Yes, lots of people use the internet to gain knowledge. For example, you can take lots of online courses about a wide range of subjects. It’s also easy to find tutorial resources230 on the internet for any skill.For example, websites can teach you how to shoot photos like a professional photographer.

5. Do you think the government should post information on the internet?
Well, I think it depends on the type of information. If they’re posting about new laws or other things that affect all citizens, then it’s great to put it online. That way, everyone can access it. But they shouldn’t post private information online. Anyone could find it that way. So I think that within reason231, the government should post information online.

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of students using the internet?
There are lots of advantages. Students can learn a lot of new things by going on the internet. They can also connect with friends online. But the internet can also distract students. It can stop them from reaching their full potential. Students can also be exposed to232 lots of bad materials. They might see content related to violence and pornography.

224 scroll through social media:浏览社交网站
225 mindless: 机械不需要动脑筋的
226 stay up to date with what’s happening in the world: 了解到当前世界上发生什么,紧跟时代潮流
227 google:这里 google 指的是搜索
228 fought with: 与…争辩
229 It turns out:结果证明
230 tutorial resources:教程、辅导你的资源
231 within reason:在合乎情理之内
232 be exposed to: 接触…
