Topic 31 历史建筑
1. What is the most interesting historical building in your city / in your country?
It’s hard to think of the most interesting one. But there’s a temple in my hometown that was built hundreds of years ago. It’s definitely one of the most attractive historical relics I’ve ever seen. It’s really big and made of wood. It has a giant Buddha statue272 inside the praying hall. The wisdom of ancient builders always amazes me.
2. Why do historical buildings look beautiful? / Why do some people like to visit historical buildings?
Well, there’s definitely a lot of attention to detail273. Some older buildings have things like engraved columns274 that make them look really sophisticated275. Plus, compared to architecture today, historical buildings are more artful276. They’re usually made of materials like marble277 and stone. It really makes them unique.
3. Should government protect historical buildings? / Is it necessary to protect historical buildings?
Yeah, the government definitely should protect historical buildings. For one, it helps the city look more beautiful. But another, more important thing is that historical buildings have a sense of history278. If we keep historical buildings intact279, then future generations can learn more about what the past was like.
4. What are differences between people’s homes in the past and people’s homes nowadays?
Well, in the past, people usually had smaller homes, like bungalows280 and small apartments. And the apartment buildings were all low-rises no taller than six stories. They were more practical. They had to fit three generations of a family who usually lived together. But nowadays, people mostly live in high-rise buildings. Their homes are bigger than before, but they live in them alone. Plus, some people have many houses and use their extra one for vacationing.
5. What is the most significant reason for people to choose a place to settle in?
I think the most significant reason is work. People want to live close to where they work. Plus, the type of work affects where you live. For example, if you want to be an IT worker, then you would probably have to settle down in a big city like Shanghai or Shenzhen. There are developed IT industries in places like that.
272 a giant Buddha statue: 巨大的佛像
273 a lot of attention to detail:很多细节做的很好
274 engraved columns: 有雕刻的柱子
275 sophisticated: 精致
276 artful: 精巧
277 marble: 大理石
278 a sense of history: 历史感、年代感
279 intact: 完整的、原封不动的
280 bungalows:平房