Topic 37 突然改变计划的经历
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of making a career plan for young people?
One advantage is that it prepares them for the future327. Making a career plan teaches young people how to be responsible and pursue their dreams. It gives them a goal and encourages them to achieve it.But making a career plan might make them stressed. They might feel pressured to follow that plan even if their goals change.
2. Should parents help children make plans?
Yes, I think it would be good for parents to help children make plans. Children need their parents’ experience and advice to make good plans. Otherwise, they might just waste time or not get anything done. But parents shouldn’t try to control every aspect of their kids’ lives. It might make their children resent them328.
3. When it comes to making a study plan, who can make better plans for children, teachers or parents?
I guess that teachers can probably make better study plans for children. After all, their job is all about education. Studying is a big part of that, so it makes more sense to329 ask for teachers’ help. Parents can still offer some good advice, but I think teachers are more experienced. So I would trust teachers more when it comes to330 making study plans.
4. Is it good or bad to have a plan?
I believe it’s good to have a plan. It’s really helpful to be organized and know what you’re doing. Otherwise you might end up wasting your time and messing up331. But you shouldn’t focus too much on a plan. Over-planning332 can lead to stress. Sometimes plans have to change. So people shouldn’t think too much about it.
5. What are the main reasons that make people change their mind?
Well, it depends on the situation. Sometimes, people change their mind when they receive advice. For example, if someone wants to move out, but a friend tells them it would be a bad idea, then that person will probably change their mind about it. But sometimes, they change their decision because the circumstances change. Those are usually outside of people’s control333.
6. What would you do if you need to convince someone to change their mind or plan?
I would try to be as logical as possible. When you’re trying to persuade someone, it’s important to know and stick to facts, not feelings. I know that many people don’t like to change their mind, so it can be hard to get them to listen to reason. But reason is the best tool to use. After all, if your arguments make sense, it will be easier for them to understand you. Or, they can’t be persuaded by you.
7. How would you tell your friends when you must change your plan?
The most important thing is to give them plenty of notice, if possible. I have to contact them as soon as possible334, so that they can figure out335 a new plan. And I need to be honest about the reasons why I want to change my plan, and also make an apology to them. After all, they might be upset because of my decision.
8. Does technology, like cellphone and the internet, make people change their mind or plan easier than before?
Yes, I believe technology definitely helps people change their mind or plan things easier than before.For example, now people can create calendars and schedules just by using their smartphones or the internet. So when it comes to changing plans, they can easily check the calendar and organize the plans again.
9. Who often change their plans, young people or old people?
Um…I guess young people are more likely to change their plans. I think it’s mainly because many young people are hastier336 when they make plans. They make quick decisions without taking
everything into consideration337. So they may regret later. But when it comes to old people, they’re generally stricter about planning things. They don’t like adjusting the plan at the last second. So they make up their mind and rarely change it.
327 it prepares them for the future: 早为未来做准备
328 resent:怨恨
329 it makes more sense to: 做…是更合理的
330 I would trust teachers more when it comes to…: 说到…我更愿意相信…; 在二者之间做选择时候可以使用的句型
331 messing up:把事情搞的一团糟
332 Over-planning: 过度计划
333 outside of people’s control: 无法左右,不受控制的
334 as soon as possible: 尽快、马上
335 figure out: 想出
336 hastier: 更草率, hasty 比较级
337 taking everything into consideration: 考虑全面