Topic 45 印象深刻的广告
1. Why do some people hate advertisements?
I guess some people hate advertisements because they can be very loud and annoying. For example, it’s really annoying when you’re watching a video online that’s suddenly interrupted by a gum commercial410. Personally, I think there are too many advertisements out there. They really irritate411 you. Plus, they’re very distracting412.
2. Is background music useful in advertising?
Well, it depends. Some background music can help set the tone of what the ad is trying to convey413.It can also make people pay attention. Sometimes you can use music to get people interested in what they’re seeing. But if the background music is too loud or doesn’t coordinate with the theme414, it can be very distracting.
3. What is the main form of advertising in your country?
I think it’s online advertising. Nowadays almost everyone is using the internet, so there are lots of ads on every website. After a while415, you actually start to ignore them. Sometimes, I don’t even notice there are ads until somebody points them out. Still, it can be really annoying when you’re reading or viewing something and an ad pops up416.
4. What are the differences between advertisements on the internet and on TV?
I suppose that advertisements on the internet are usually focused more on visuals. But ads on TV use visuals and sound. There are definitely some ads that have sound on the internet. But people can skip the ads or close the window with ads easily417. So many companies just focus on having a unique design and slogan418. But on T V, you can include a lot more sound. You can focus on dialogue and stuff like that.
5. Do people usually buy stuff after watching an advertisement?
Well, advertisements don’t always work on everyone. But, as far as I know, a lot of people can be easily influenced by an advertisement. It appeals to your needs419, and sometimes hooks your emotions to shop impulsively420. So at least some of the time421, people buy stuff after watching an advertisement. For example, my uncle bought a new blender422 because he saw an ad for it online. And the blender actually worked just like the ad said it would. So that worked out well for him.
6. Are advertisements targeting children good?Are they necessary?
I don’t think it’s good to have advertisements targeting children. Children are very easily influenced. So I don’t think companies should take advantage of that423. If children are brand-conscious424 too early, they might grow up to be very greedy425. They’ll just want everything they see in ads. So that kind of advertising isn’t necessary.
410 a gum commercial:口香糖的广告
411 irritate:惹恼,惹怒
412 distracting:分散人的注意力
413 set the tone of what the ad is trying to convey: 为广告要传达的内容定下基调
414 coordinate with the theme:和主题不搭
415 After a while: 过一会儿,过不了多久
416 an ad pops up:弹出来一个广告
417 skip the ads or close the window with ads easily:跳过广告,或者直接关掉窗口
418 slogan: 标语,广告语
419 appeals to your needs: 刚好符合你的需求
420 hooks your emotions to shop impulsively:勾起你冲动购物的情绪
421 at least some of the time: 至少有些时候是这样
422 blender:搅拌机
423 take advantage of that:利用这一点
424 brand-conscious: 有品牌意识
425 greedy:贪婪