Topic 51 捡到别人丢了的东西
1. What kinds of things do people usually find?
Well, lots of people are forgetful474. They often leave behind475 small objects, like sunglasses and keys. Those things can easily fall out of people’s pockets476. Some people even lose their phones or wallets. That’s very unfortunate. I remember once my friend and I found someone’s wallet on a bench at a shopping mall. We didn’t have time to contact the owner. So we gave it to the lost and found there.
2. What would normal people do when they find something doesn’t belong to them?
Normal people usually bring the item to the lost and found. They don’t usually take things they find for themselves477. After all, it’s rude to take something that doesn’t belong to you. The proper thing to do is to bring it somewhere the owner can find it. Another good idea is to give it to the authorities.That’s usually just if it’s an expensive item like a laptop.
3. How should parents educate their children when they find something that doesn’t belong to them?
Parents should be gentle but firm478. If their children have something that doesn’t belong to them, they should correct them. They should teach them it’s wrong to take something that isn’t yours. The child might not know that. So their parents should patiently explain it. They could even get the child to return the item. When I was young, I accidentally479 took a toy from my friend. My parents corrected me right away480.
4. Generally speaking, why do some people like to collect things?
Some people like collecting things because it’s relaxing. It’s a good habit if you want something to help you let go of stress481. It gives you something to focus on other than your own worries. For example, many office workers collect comic books. It’s a good way for them to relax. Plus, collecting things can also be satisfying. When you add something to the collection, it gives you a sense of fulfillment482.
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping collections?
One advantage is that it’s a good subject of conversation483. You can bond over484 your collection with people who have similar ones. Or you can talk to people who are interested in what you collect. However, it can create a lot of clutter in your house485. And it can also make you stressed. For example, my cousin collects stamps. He gets very worried when a new stamp comes out486. He thinks he might not be able to get it.
474 forgetful:健忘的,马虎不注意的
475 leave behind: 遗落,遗留,丢了
476 fall out of people’s pockets:从口袋中掉出来
477 take things they find for themselves:捡到的东西占为己有
478 gentle but firm:耐心、温柔,但坚决、坚定
479 accidentally:无意之中,意外的
480 corrected me right away: 马上纠正了我,教育了我
481 let go of stress:释放压力
482 a sense of fulfillment:成就感
483 a good subject of conversation:是一个很好的聊天话题
484 bond over sth:用…拉进和别人的距离
485 create a lot of clutter in your house:造成房间里很杂乱
486 comes out:出版,发行