2019年9-12月 雅思口语 Part 1 Topic 2 Study 学习 (常考题)

l.Why did you choose that subject?

When I was applying for Universities, I chose to study Literature and Language. I chose to study this because when I was young, I had a strong passion for both reading and writing so I wanted to develop my literary skills. I would like to develop a career based around literature so a good understanding of its history and development will be very useful for my future. For these reasons I thought Literature and Language was a good choice for me to study.

2.1s it interesting?

I find what I study very interesting. One of the perks (好处)of my study area is that it is not completely based on facts. Studying literature allows me to explore and form opinionated (固执己见的)arguments which are based on literature. It gives me a sense of freedom when I am doing my studies. I also have a very wide range of reading, so every lesson has fresh and interesting material for me to study.

3. What subjects are you studying?

There are two parts of my studies, literature and language. For the literature modules, we mainly focus on European literature, studying poetry, prose and drama. These are divided into different eras of writing which starts from the medieval (中世纪的)and finishes at the modem day. For the language modules, we study the fundamentals and advanced theories of language and grammar. These subjects are normally a lot more difficult than the literature subjects, but I still find them very interesting.

4. Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoon?

I prefer to study in the mornings. After waking up from a good nights sleep, I normally have a lot of energy and motivation. I find it enjoyable to study as the sun rises and then make myself a nice breakfast to keep my energies up. I find myself more distracted (心烦意乱的)in the afternoons especially during winter when the sun sets very early in the day. I find that it is harder to work when it is dark outside, I lose my motivation.

5. Are you looking forward to working?

I am looking forward to working because I hope to continue working in the same area of my studies. However, work may be much more enjoyable than my studies. In the work place, I will have definite goals to accomplish and I think doing so will be very satisfying. I look forward to being part of a team and working together to achieve a common end.

6. D0 you like your subject?

I like my subject very much as it is very interesting, and it also allows me to be creative and to immerse myself into a good book. I often enjoy what I am studying so much that I even forget it is a piece of work. It feels like what I would choose to do for recreation as well. I am very happy that I chose to study Literature and Language, a subject that is very dear to me.
