2019年9-12月 雅思口语 Part 1 Topic 19 Garbage 垃圾

1. Do you think your city is clean or not?

I think parts of my city are clean but there are areas which are not. I live in a very large city, Beijing, the capital of China. As my city is so large, there are loads of people who live here and some people do not respect the city properly. Therefore, there is often litter (垃圾、不可数名词)on the streets and also the pollution can cover things in soot (灰尘) . However, there are certain areas, such as my hometown, which are very clean because most of the people look after the place.

2. How do you feel when you see people throwing garbage on the street?

It makes me very annoyed when I see people throwing garbage on the street. I think littering is very disrespectful and it is loutish (无礼的)behaviour. It is a stupid action to degrade (降 f氐)and dirty your  own community. Most of the time, if I see someone littering, I will confront them and tell them to pick up their garbage.

3. Why do some people throw garbage on the street?

I do not understand why some people throw garbage on the street. To me, it seems completely illogical (不合逻辑的)to throw your garbage on the street and make a community dirty. However, I guess that some people may have been raised with bad and selfish values (养成了不好的和自私的价值观).They may expect someone else to come along and pick it up for them. Therefore, maybe people throw garbage on the street out of laziness.

4. What do you do with garbage when you are on the street?

When I am walking along the street and I have a piece of garbage I will keep it on me until I find a bin (垃圾桶)to put it in. It is not difficult to hold a piece of garbage in your hands for a little while.  Luckily in Beijing there are many public bins therefore I do not have to wait very long before I find a place to throw away my garbage. I would never drop my garbage on the street.
