2019年9-12月 雅思口语 Part 1 Topic 32 Haircut 理发(9-12月新题)

1. What’s your favourite hairstyle?

For Women: My favourite hairstyle is a topknot (头饰)style with a messy fringe (刘海). This is where I take my long hair and tie it up in a bun (髻) on the top of my head. However, I let some of my fringe fall loose out of the hair-tie and this is called a messy fringe. Some of my favourite actors often wear their hair like this which is why I like it so much.

For Men: My favourite hairstyle is a shaved head (光头).This is a very unusual hairstyle to have as your favourite because most people prefer long and luxurious hair. However, I have always loved a shaved head. I like shaved heads because when I was growing up I was a big fan of punk music and a lot of my favourite musicians had shaved heads.

2. How often do you have your hair cut?

For women: I do not get my haircut very frequently. Haircuts can be quite expensive and I have long hair which does not need cutting too often. I get my haircut every couple of months just to chop off (剪掉)the split ends (发根分叉)and keep it looking neat (整洁的).

For men: I like to keep my hair quite short and very neat (整洁的),because of this I have my hair cut very often. I will usually get my hair cut about once every two weeks. I like to keep the sides and back of my hair very short so they need to be cut regularly.

3. How much do you usually spend on your haircut?

I do not spend a lot of money on my haircuts. I think it is important to look good and to respect your appearance, but this does not mean you must spend a lot of money on it. My haircuts are good and reasonably prices. However, my sister spends a lot of money on her haircuts, they are very expensive.

4. Do you often change your haircut?

I do not tend to change my haircut often. I think it is quite strange and chaotic when people change their haircuts frequently. I prefer to find a haircut that I like and keep it. If you experiment with new hairstyles you may end up with a haircut that you hate. And there is nothing you can do about it until your hair grows out again.

5. How long have you had your current haircut

I have had my current haircut since I was a young teenager. I do not like the idea of changing hairstyles frequently as this feels chaotic and unruly (混乱和不羁).Change is not always good and sometimes it is better to stick with what you know and what you are comfortable with. So I have had my current haircut for a long time, and I do not think I am going to change it any time soon.

6. Have you ever had an unhappy haircut

When I was 15 years old I needed to get a haircut before my family and I went on vacation. Unfortunately,my normal hairdressers (理发师)was folly booked (预约满了),so I went to a hairdressers I had never been to before. I explained what I wanted and sat as they cut my hair. By the time they finished I was distraught. They cut my hair too short and it was totally wonky. I was so upset, and I never went to that hairdressers again.

7. Do you like to have your hair cut

I really like having my hair cut. I find the process very therapeutic (舒心的)and relaxing. It almost feels like being in a spa. Furthermore, I have a very friendly hairdresser. He is always very kind and funny. I really enjoy his conversation. It is also very nice at the end of a haircut, when you look fresh and neat. Literally, a weight is lifted off your shoulders.


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