2019年9-12月 雅思口语 Part 2 Topic 31 地区特产(9-12月新题)Describe a popular product (e.g food, handicraft..) made in your region

Describe a popular product (e.g food, handicraft..) made in your region You should say:
What it is
What it is like
How it is made
And explain why it is popular

One of the most popular food products in my area is roast duck. Roast duck is one of my most favourite foods and is very popular in my region and throughout china. There are some who would argue that it is almost a national dish.

The way the duck is roasted is very particular to China. It is also called Peking Duck and it is a dish that is said to originate from the Beijing region. When it is roasted it is done so until it is crispy on the outside. Furthermore, the seasoning of the duck gives it a very aromatic flavour that everybody loves. The meat is always sliced beautifully and very juicy. There are some people who take the preparation of the duck meat very seriously. In some places they will only use duck meat from ducks which are specifically bred for the dish. It is an extremely popular dish. I think this is because the roast duck is so flavourful and well-cooked.

However, I believe it is also popular because of the way it is served. It is traditionally served with fresh crunchy vegetables such as spring onions and cucumber. The contrasts of flavour and texture are just divine. Therefore, almost everybody loves this dish.


我们地区最受欢迎的食品之一是烤鸭。烤鸭是我最喜欢的食物之一,在我的家乡和整个 中国都很受欢迎。有些人认为这几乎是一道国菜。

烤鸭的烤法是中国特有的。很多人也叫它北京烤鸭,据说起:源于北京地区。当它被烤的 时候,它是这样直到外面酥脆。此外,鸭子的调料给它一个每个人都喜欢的非常香的味 道。肉总是切得漂亮多汁。有些人非常重视鸭肉的制作。在一些地方,他们只使用专门 为这道菜而饲养的鸭子的鸭肉。这是一道非常受欢迎的菜。我想这是因为烤鸭美味并且 做得很好,

不过,它受欢迎还因为它的服务方式。传统上,它与大葱和黄瓜一起食用。原材料和味 道的混合对比真是太棒了。因此,几乎每个人都喜欢这道菜。
