Describe an occasion the someone didn’t tell you the complete truth
Who is it
When this happened
What the situation was
Who you were with
And explain why this person didn’t tell you the whole truth
I remember that when I was very young, my mother once did not tell me the complete truth. When I was about 7 years old, our dog died. He was an old dog and I had known him ever since I was bom. My mother knew how much I loved the dog and decided that it was best if she did not tell me the complete truth. She told me that the dog had gone away, to live on a farm in the countryside. Sadly, I would never see him again, but he was happy. I still found this news sad, but it did make it easier for me as a child to accept that my pet dog was gone forever.
I think that this was a good choice for my mother to make. It may be very upsetting and hard for me to understand that at such a juvenile (青少年)point in my life. As I got older, the truth became apparent, but I was not upset at my mother for misleading me. I think sometimes it is the right thing to do to not be completely honest with someone in life. This is only the case when the lying is done out of compassion (同情)and with empathy (同情心).There are also times where it seems hard and mean to tell the complete truth but it may be important to do so. Therefore, it must be taken seriously and thought about thoroughly (彻底) when deciding not to be completely truthful with someone.
我记得很小的时候,我母亲没有告诉我全部的真相。我大概7岁的时候,我家的狗狗去世 了,他是一只年龄很大的狗,我从出生起就认识他。我妈妈知道我有多爱这只狗,所以她决 定不告诉我全部的真相。她告诉我那只狗离开了,到乡下的一个农场去。我很遗憾再也见不到他,但他生活的很快乐。我仍然觉得很伤心,但作为一个孩子,我会更容易接受我的宠物狗永远消失了。
我认为这对我母亲来说是一个很好的选择。当时我还很小,在我生命中这样一个幼稚的阶段, 被告知完全的真相可能会让我感到非常不安和难以理解。随着年龄的增长,真相变得越来越明显,但我并没有因为母亲误导我而生气。我认为在生活中,有时对别人不完全诚实是正确的。只有当说谎是出于同情和共鸣时,情况才会如此。也有一些时候,说出完全的真相似乎很困难,但这样做可能很重要。因此,当你决定不完全对某人诚实的时候,你必须认真对待和仔细思考。