1.What are the benefits that a park can bring to a city?
There are many benefits that a park can bring to a city. Parks are places where people are able to escape the grey and dreary environment of the city. It is important to have green spaces in a city and it has been proven to have very beneficial effects for a person’s mental health. Also, parks are very important spaces for the elderly as they are social environments where they can meet friends and have conversations. However, many young professionals do not care whether there are parks in the city, as their lives are too busy and complex for them to appreciate simple things like parks.
2.Should people help clean public gardens?
I would argue that it is the social responsibility of all people to help clean public gardens. Public gardens are a shared social space which is free for all people to enjoy. Therefore, it is our shared responsibility to keep the spaces clean and well looked after so that they are in a good condition for everyone to enjoy. However, there are some people who would argue that it is the government’s responsibility to keep public gardens clean. For them the government should hire people to look after the gardens and keep them clean. However, I think if we all helped out a little bit then this would not be necessary.
3. Do young people go to the park very often?
I think some young people go to the park very often while others do not. A lot of young people like going to the park because parks are idyllic and beautiful places where you can spend time with your friends. I think young people who live in small towns and villages really appreciate parks. For them, parks are an important space for communities to mingle and relax. However, young people who live in cities care less for parks. There lots of places young people prefer to hang out in cities, such as shopping centres and cinemas, that they do not go to the park very often.
4. Why do some people plant flowers at home?
Many people like to plant flowers at home so that they can experience nature where they live. It is very nice to have houseplants and flowers in one?s home as it makes your home environment feel fresh. It is very common for people who live in the city to plant flowers at home. This is because in the cities not many wild flowers grow naturally so it is rare to see them when walking about. In contrast, fewer people who live in the countryside plant flowers at home because they are so abundant in the fields and therefore they see flowers whenever they leave home.