1. When do children begin to have their own ideas?
There are many different opinions on the question of when do children begin to have their own ideas. For a long time, it was believed that children do not really have their own ideas until they reach a certain level of maturity (成熟).Therefore, many people in the older generation believe that children do not have their own ideas until they are the age of eleven or twelve, and that up until that point children simply imitate (模仿)their parents. However, it is becoming more commonly understood that children have their own ideas almost from birth. It is the common opinion of people in the younger generation that all children have their own ideas, it is just that some are too young to articulate (清晰表达)their own ideas properly. Personally, I agree with this opinion. One only has to look at how imaginative children are to recognise that they all have their own ideas.
2. Why are there more and more differences between children and their parents?
It is a commonly held belief that in the modem world there are more and more differences between children and their parents. People believe this because the modem world changes very quickly, there are new technologies developing all the time and things do not feel new for very long. Therefore, what was new and exciting for parents is already old and boring for their children. This increased pace of life is quite a recent development in society. Older generations remember having much more in common with their parents than children do today. Even as recently as fifty years ago, technology developed at a much slower pace. Nowadays, new technology becomes obsolete (过时,淘汰了) within a matter of years. This makes it difficult for different generations to understand and connect with each other.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of setting rules for children?
Personally, I think there are many advantages to setting rules for children. It is important for people to learn boundaries and the ability to control themselves. In society, we have laws and customs which govern (管理、控制)how we act with each other. It is easiest for people to develop these skills when they are children. Setting rules for children is the most effective way to do this. In my opinion, when children do not have rules, they are at great risk of growing up with poor social skills. This will set them back (阻碍)in life and make them struggle. Therefore, it is best for children in the long term to have a good set of rules while growing up.
4.Is there someone with good ideas that has changed many people’s live?
All over the world there are many people with good ideas who have had great impact on many people’s lives. For most people, it is individual who fought against oppression (压迫)with their powerful ideas of freedom and equality. There are many famous incidents of this. Two poignant (压迫)examples would be Nelson Mandela for South African people and Ghandi for Indian people. Both of these individuals fought against tyranny (暴政)and oppression and made life better for thousands of people. Mandela ended apartheid (种族隔离)in South Africa and Ghandi brought the end of colonial (殖民)rule in India. This improved the quality of life for huge amounts of people and their ideas of freedom and justice will be remembered throughout history.