2019-06-29: Task 2Some people think media should be allowed to publicize information on someone’s private life. Others believe that media should be regulated in this regard. Dis cuss both views and give your opinion. Give reasons for your answers and relevant examples.
Media have been proving to be the most powerful entity, whether it is Television, Newspapers, Magazine or YouTube. If used properly, it could make someone’s life, but if used negatively it could destroy it.
Humans are extremely influenced by their image in the society. Therefore, they do several things just to be respected and honored in the society which makes them vulnerable. Hence, they kill their daughters in the name of honor, marry in certain tribes, so that they cannot be expelled from their community. Secondly, sometimes media force them to make crucial decisions and act otherwise. For instance, if the media report clashes between husband and wife, even if they are doing fine, they get under pressure and get divorced eventually. Thirdly, in recent days, television broadcast live court hearings which put judges and juries under pressure because the general public get involved and they kind of leads the verdicts of criminal. Finally, the media are also showing the beatings and the murders on the social networks, this affects the thinking pattern of youngsters and can influence to lead the footsteps as morally correct. Consequently, there should be regulations on what could be broadcasted and the strict penalties in case of breaking them.
On the other hand, same media can affect someone’s life positively. Media brings talent in the limelight, which changes their life over-night and they become heroes from zero. For instance, one reporter published photos of extremely handsome Chai Wala from a remote small village of Mandi Baha ud din. He became a celebrity instantly and got several modelling contracts in no time. People who have extreme talent relating to handicraft, singing, painting and cooking, and cannot afford to go to cities to sell their talent can post their videos on YouTube and gets recognized for their work internationally. Interview with successful people about their daily life routine can direct the ordinary person to follow their footsteps to be successful, because this increases motivation level.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that media has an essential role in society, which can be used for betterment of our next generation if used with precaution.