2019-10-01: Task 2Nowadays many people working from home. Some think it is beneficial to employee, others think it may distract the family routine. What is my opinion?
The World has become a global village. Nowadays in many developed countries work from home concept is replacing office 9 to 5 job shifts. A group of people asserts that working from home has many advantages to the workers, whereas another group is of the view that this approach may adversely affect the house routine. I shall discuss both perspectives in detail before reaching a final verdict.
To begin with, continuing a job from home has enormous benefits. First and foremost is the flexible timings to complete the working hours. Furthermore, less commuting means less traffic congestion hassle and less fuel consumption resulting in cost saving. I would like to quote my personal example here; while I was at home owing to my maternity period, I opted for a home-based data entry job. I ended up earning a reasonable amount at the of the month with no fatigue of going to the office or leaving my child at the daycare center.
On the contrary, there are certain negative aspects of this phenomenon as well. Predominantly, home-based jobs disturb the house routine as many people could not balance between house and office tasks, which resultantly failed at both ends. Moreover, while working from home one cannot focus on a certain task or attend a meeting with concentration as their mind is doing multitasking continuously between house chores and office work.
To recapitulate the aforementioned argument, I opine that working in the office is a more rational approach if one can afford daily commuting and can spare time for an office job. However, if doing a job is inevitable and house responsibilities cannot be handed over to anyone than home based work is a considerable approach. In the future, it is expected that more and more people will inclined towards home based jobs.