2020年1-4月 雅思口语 Part 1 Topic 5 科学课程 Science class (new)

  1. Do you like science class?
    Not at all. I hated science classes more than any subject, especially physics. That’s all Greek to me. Maybe I have just conformed to the notorious stereotype that girls are good at arts whereas boys learn science faster. I never get full marks in any science class.
  2. Did you have science class in primary school or high school?
    I began to learn science in high school, namely biology, chemistry and physics. I followed what my science teachers taught in junior high school. And thanks to that, I often came on top in all the examinations. But senior high school was my nightmare, for the lessons taught in science classes were unbelievably hard to comprehend.
  3. What kind of science did you do at school?
    The science classes were more interesting and interactive when I was in junior high. Students could do science experiments in biology, physics and chemistry. But in senior high school, it was always exercises, study groups and papers.
  4. Do you think science classes are important?
    I think science plays an indispensable role in our society. It is now the driving force in all aspects of our life from economy, politics, culture and education. Without science, it may have taken longer for us to go back to our hometowns since high-speed railway would have not been possible.
