2020年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 1 Topic 16 Science class

  1. Do you think science classes are important?

I believe that science classes are very important and that there should be a strong focus on them in our academic system. In the modem world, science and technology are becoming more and more important in business and in everyday life. Therefore, it is important that we teach science to a high degree in our schools.

  1. Did you have science class in primary school or high school?

Yes, I had science classes in both my primary school and at my high school. When I was a child I went to schools in the city of Beijing and it had very good classes. In primary school we learnt very basic sciences but later at high school I was taught biology, chemistry and physics.

  1. Do you like science class?

I really love science class when I am at school. Science basically is a class which teaches you all about how the world works, from the cells in our bodies to the stars in outer space (外太空).Perhaps one day science will be able to answer all of the mysteries in the universe, so I find it very exciting.

      4.What kind of science did you do at school?

At school, science class is split (分裂) into three different subjects: biology, chemistry and physics. In biology we learn about how the natural world works, from plants and animals to the cells in our own bodies. In chemistry we learn about the elements which make up the universe and in physics we learn about all of the forces and natural laws of the world.
