2020年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 2 Topic 36 不允许用手机的经历

Describe a time when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone

  • You should say:
  • Where you were
  • What you were doing at the time
  • Why was the mobile phone not allowed
  • And explain how you feel about the whole experience

I remember when I was young, I went on a trip to Japan by plane. Cell phones were not allowed to be used on the plane.

At that time, I was using WeChat to share some photos with my friend Lucy. A beautiful flight attendant came over and told me that the plane was about to (将要)take off and I had to turn off my cell phone or put it in flight mode. She told me that mobile phones are not allowed on the plane, because there are some safety risks when using mobile phones on the plane, which may lead to the aircraft’s navigation (导航) failure, or ground communication interruption. It is boring to have a long flight without a phone. It means I cannot watch movies or listen to music and also cannot take pictures of the outside sky. So, sleeping was the only thing I could do.

However, the rules have changed nowadays. Cell phones are prohibited from use during taking oflf and landing, and we can use cell phone as long as we put it in airplane mode. It is good news for a long flight. That means I can now watch videos or work on documents on my phone or IPAD on the plane.

Nowadays, smart phones technology is more and more advanced, and we are increasingly dependent on them. In a way I consider it is kind of disease called cell phone dependency. But there are loads of thing which we need to use cell phone to do such as answering calls, and sending SMS. So, it is difficult for people not to use cell phone anymore.


我记得在我小的时候,我和家人一起出国旅行,在飞机上我被禁止使用手机。那时候我正在聊微信,和我 最好的朋友lucy分享我旅途拍的照片。不一会儿一位漂亮的空姐走过来,他告诉我飞机要起飞了,我必须 关机或者将手机调到飞行模式。他告诉我飞机上不允许使用手机,因为在飞机上玩手机会有一定的安全隐 患,可能会导致飞机导航失灵,或者是空地通讯中断。我立刻表示理解并关闭了手机。是对于长途飞行来 说,没有手机是非常无聊的。这意味着我不能看小说,看视频,甚至我想拍摄窗外的云都不行。所以我只 能睡觉来打发时间。

不过现在规定改了,在起飞和降落的时候不能用手机,其他时候只要把手机调到飞行模式就可以使用了。 这对于漫长的飞行时间来说是一件令人喜悦的事情。这意味着我可以在飞机上用手机或者IPAD看视频或 者处理文档了。现在的智能手机功能越来越强大,人们对手机的依赖也日渐增强。在某种程度上来说,我 觉得这是一种病,叫做手机依赖症。但是生活中有太多的事情需要用到手机,比如接电话,发信息等等。 所以,我们很难不去使用手机。
