2020年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 2 Topic 44 汽车旅行(5-8月新题)

Describe a car journey you went on

  • You should say:
  • Where you went
  • What you did at this place
  • Who you went there with
  • And explain why you went on that journey by cay

Last year, I decided to drive to Mawei Island with my family on vacation. Though I just got my driver license several months ago, I had a knack for driving, needless to say my dad was keeping an eye on me in the passenger seat.

It took us almost four hours to drive from Guangzhou to Mawei Island. But unfortunately, on the way it started to rain and we could not help but be concerned about the weather at the island. While we were driving along the road to the hill of the island, the rain stopped after a while and it became sunny again. Just then, I looked up and found a rainbow, a masterpiece of rain and the sun. We stopped and took pictures along the way because it was so different from the urban scene.

In the late afternoon, we reached the top of a hill on the island and wanted to enjoy the sunset. The scene was delightful and beautiful! The sky slowly changed from blue to red then purple. I could not stop taking a lot of pictures while watching the marvelous and fascinating sky. It solidified all the soft colors of the world in the sky.

I think that’s the fun of driving. We can arrange our own schedule and stop at any time to see the scenery alongside. But when in a group tour, we can only travel according to the itinerary set by the tour guide, which is quite annoying and comfortless.


去年,我决定和家人开车去马尾岛度假。虽然我几个月前才拿到驾照,但我已经很会开车了,更不用 说我爸爸一直在副驾驶座位上看着我。

从广州开车到马尾岛花了我们将近四个小时。但不幸的是,在路上开始下雨了,我们不禁担心岛上的 天气。当我们驱车前往小岛的小山丘时,雨停了一会儿,太阳又出来了。就在这时,我抬头看到了彩 虹,这是雨和太阳的杰作。因为近些年空气污染严重,能看到彩虹真的是一件很幸运的事。我们沿途 不停的停下车拍照,因为一路上有和城市截然不同的风情。

旁晚时分,我们到达了岛上的一处山顶,想要欣赏落日。景色是令人愉快和美丽的!看着天空慢慢从蓝 色变成红色,再变成紫色。我情不自禁地拍了很多照片,一边看那奇妙而迷人的天空。这是我的家人 近年来难忘的记忆。

我认为这就是开车的乐趣。我们可以安排自己的行程,随时停下来看看旁边的风景。但是当我们跟团 旅游的时候,我们只能按照导游设定的行程去旅游,这是非常烦人和不舒服的。
