2021年1-4月 雅思口语 Part 2 Topic 20 短途旅行 Describe a short trip you often take but do not like

Describe a short trip you often take but do not like
You should say:
Where you go
When you go there
Why you go there
And explain why you do not like the trip

I often take a train from Shenzhen to Hunan for visiting my parents. Seeing my parents makes me excited and happy. However; I wouldn’t say I like the train trip, especially when it takes a few hours and the train is often full of noisy kids.

For example, last time when many of the passengers were sleeping in the train, a kid played heavy metal songs in a high volume, jumping on and off the seat, and he rolled his eyes at the people when they asked him to be a bit quieter. A few passengers couldn’t bear it so that they moved to the next carriage. Moreover he was so spoiled as his mother didn’t stop him even though she noticed how other people reacted. It seemed that he was never considerate of others.

I wouldn’t say I like the trip because I got very annoyed by the noise and the kid. I have nothing against that kind of music though, but unfortunately; the song was terrible because of the bad rhythm and high pitch. It sounded like screaming rather than singing. As a highly-sensitive person, loud music could trigger my destructive emotion easily. I could feel the thumping beat of my heart suddenly. I became a bit nervous because my memory flashed back to the time when I had an asthma attack many years ago.

故事简介:我经常乘火车从深圳到湖南看望我的父母。看到我的父母让我兴奋和快乐。不过,我不能说我喜欢坐火 车旅行,尤其是要坐几个小时,而且火车上经常挤满了吵闹的孩子。比如,上次火车上很多乘客都在睡觉的时候, 一个孩子大声播放重金属歌曲,在座位上跳上跳下,当乘客要求他安静一点时,他对乘客翻了个白眼。一些乘客受 不了了,于是转到下一节车厢。而且,他被宠坏了,他的妈妈即使注意到其他人的反应也没有阻止他。他似乎从来 都不为别人着想。我不能说我喜欢这次旅行,因为噪音和孩子让我很烦。我并不反对这种音乐,但不幸的是,这首 歌很糟糕,因为它的节奏很差,而且音调很高。听起来像是在尖叫,而不是在唱歌。作为一个高度敏感的人,大声 的音乐很容易引发我破坏性的情绪。我能感觉到我的心突然砰砰直跳。我变得有点紧张,因为我的记忆闪回到许多 年前我哮喘发作的时候。
