2021年1-4月 雅思口语 Part 2 Topic 27 好消息(字节跳动) Describe a time you receive a piece of good news

Describe a time you receive a piece of good news
You should say
When and where you heard it
Who told you
What you did after hearing it
And explain why it was a piece of good news

故事简介:上个月,我通过电子邮件收到了一个好消息,是由全球科技公司字节跳动的一位人力资源人员发来的。 上面说他们决定给我一个市场实习生的职位。顺便说一下,字节跳动运营着一系列内容平台,比如著名的Tiktok, 它的产品在150多个市场吸引了数十亿用户。我读的时候超级兴奋。于是我放了一天假,邀请了一群好朋友,包括 我的室友和我最好的朋友简,一起出去吃晚饭庆祝。这对我来说绝对是个好消息,因为我花了很多时间准备。在加 入这家公司的过程中,我不时地查看现有的职位,分析不同职位的需求,并选择目标职位一一市场营销实习。在那 之后,我在网上学习到了宝贵的课程,提高了我的实践经验。字节跳动是一家成功而伟大的公司,它致力于为我们 所有的用户建立一个安全、健康和积极的网络环境。从事这样的工作也将有利于我的职业生涯。如果我能在这个职 位上工作几年,就很容易建立我的职业声誉,并寻找下一个职位。

Last month, I received a piece of good news via email, which was sent by an HR from ByteDance – a global technology company. It said that they decided to offer me a marketing intern’s role. By the way, ByteDance operates a range of content platforms, such as the famous Tiktok, and its products have attracted billions of users in over 150 markets.

I was super excited when I read it. Hence I got a day off from school and invited a group of close friends, including my roommates and my best friend Jane, to go out to have dinner together for a celebration.

It was definitely great news for me, because I had spent a lot of time preparing it. To join this company, I checked available positions from time to time, analysed the requirements of different roles and selected the target position -marketing internship. After that, I learnt valuable lessons online and improved my practice experience. ByteDance is a successful and great company, and it has committed to building a safe, healthy and positive online environment for all our users. Working for such a job will be also beneficial for my career. If I can work for this role for a few years, it’s easy to build my career reputation and look for the next roles.
