2021年1-4月 雅思口语 Part 3 Topic 30 长久的追求


What kinds of ambitions do people have?

People have many kinds of ambitions in life. Some people want to make a lot of money, some people want to be the person on top of the power chain. There are also people thinking otherwise, whose ambition is to make great things in their own fields. I think there is no unified standards for ambitions. Anything a person which to achieve that’s a more than easy in the field, I would say that’s an ambition.

Why should parents encourage children to have ambitions?

I think children should always dream big to start with. Ifs like when you are setting a higher goal, you would automatically try harder and achieve your best. Even though it’s very possible that you may not get to what you dreamed for, but you can still go very far. Ifs like that if you are aiming at 100 in an exam, you probably would get 90 in reality, but that’s still good enough and better than many others. But if you aim low, like, at 60, you may fail if you are not careful.

Should parents interfere with children’s ambitions?

I think parents should not interfere with children’s ambitions, but they should definitely guide them. Children’s ambitions can be wild sometimes, and in some cases they may go to the wrong ways. Parents should encourage them to pursuit their ambitions in the right way. But they also need to keep an eye open and guide their kids when the youngsters are heading to the wrong direction. Parents should teach their kids that having ambitious goals is a good thing, but achieving it the right way is also very important.

Is there any difference between children’s ambitions and those of grown-ups?

I do think so. The ambitions of the grown-ups are usually more realistic than children’s. Children’s ambitions can sometimes be wild and full of fantasies. And their ambitions may change over time. They can want to be an astronaut when they are five, and then want to be the president of the country when they are ten. But for adults, one can aim for the position of CEO for years before achieving or changing it.
