What things do families keep for a long time?
Different families might like to keep various types of old items. But I guess that rare artwork, antiques and jewellery are common choices, as they can sell for a fortune. My family keeps lots of books and furniture, they are not worthy at all, but they did bring lots of sweet moments to me.
What’s the difference between things valued by people in the past and today?
Ifs difficult to tell. But I would bet that people in the past tend to think highly of some goods, such as artwork, antiques or jewellery, while people nowadays value technology and freedom.
What kinds of things are kept in museums?
Museums are a storehouse of old artefacts, sculptures, objects and history, preserving our objects and materials of religious, cultural and historical value. They are a good source of entertainment. Museums help in research and study. Through all these things we can come to know how people of ancient times lived, what they used and what things they made.
What’s the influence of technology on museums?
Through technology, museums can manage their collections better, offer unforgettable experiences to their visitors and exceed their physical limits by using online distribution and communication channels. For example, with virtual reality (VR ) technology, visitors can experience an extra level of sensory delight via location-specific audio or video content that tells the story of the site.