2020年5-8月 雅思口语 Part 1 Topic 27 Shopping (5-8 月新题)

  1. Do you like shopping?

I do like to shop, I find that shopping is a very wonderful activity. Personally, I think it is very fun to shop as I am excited by new things and cool products. I think shopping is a nice way to relax and distract yourself from stresses.

  1. Do you compare prices when you shop?

I think it is very important to compare prices when you shop because it is not nice to be ripped off by expensive prices. Normally, if I am out shopping, the first thing I will do is search on my phone and check the price of things online. This is a quick and easy way to compare prices.

  1. Is it difficult for you to make choices( when you shop)?

Sometimes, I find it very difficult to make choices when I shop. Today, in the modem world, there are so many different companies and products, so it is often hard to know what the best deal is. This means that making choices while shopping can be very difficult.
