2019-04-25 雅思A类大作文全球真题:大城市独居生活的利与弊

2019-04-25: Task 2
In many countries today, people in cities either live alone or in small family units, rather than in large, extended family groups. Is this a positive or negative trend?

It is seen that recently there are drastic changes in family life style. now in many countries it is seen that people in cities prefer to live in small units rather then living in a combine family system. in my opinion this change has more disadvantages then advantages. this essay will explain importance of extended family system with some personal examples.

It is seen that living in a combine family has a strong effect on upbringing of children. living with elders helps to create a strong family relation. children watch their parents taking care of grandparent and it create a sense of responsibility and respect in children. I remember in my childhood while sharing my room with my grandmother created a sense of taking care and helping others in the time of need. this quality helped me to choose medicine as my profession. so i strongly favor extended family system.

moreover, extended family system is a big help for working partners in certain times. staying together creates a strong and connected family. for example, when i moved to other country after immigration, i missed my sister in laws alot. because there were couple of times when my kids were sick and they had to stay at home, she took care of them. so i feel there are more advantages of living together in a strong family system.

similarly, in an extended mothers can find more time for their children. there is distribution of tasks which give more time to spend with growing children. in this busy life when both partners are working it is a significant benefit. it is an important factor for developing good nation .

in conclusion it is nice to stay in extended family system . it has more positive effects then negative.
