雅思口语Part3:保持的运动 Describe an activity you do to keep fit

Describe an activity you do to keep fit
• What the activity is
• When and where you usually do it
• How you do it
• Explain why it can keep your fit


• I do a lot of things to stay healthy such as morning walk, yoga, cycling and so on but here I would like to talk about the morning walk.
• Every day I get up early in the morning and go for morning walk.
• I go with my grandfather, who is 95.
• He has never missed his morning walk in his life.
• In fact his secret of good health is the morning walk.
• I joined him about a year ago and ever since I also have been very regular.
• We go to a park near our home.
• There is a jogging track in the park which is full of activity in those early morning hours.
• My grandfather and I both wear our track suits and walking shoes while walking.
• During our walk, my grandpa tells me a lot of stories.
• He has a lot to tell and sometimes I am surprised at his memory,
• Morning walk has a lot of benefits,
• Iusedtobeveryfat,infactacouchpotato,butnowIamveryfit-all because of the walk and all because of my grandfather who made me do it,
• Morning walk also improves the blood circulation.
• It is a good exercise for all age groups.
• The young can do a brisk walk and the elderly can do a leisurely stroll.
• There is a laughter club in my home town.
• Sometimes they too are there in the park at that time.
• They come there to laugh out their stress and worries.
• Their laughter is so infectious that when they laugh we also can’t help laughing with them.
• So a morning walk is the activity which I do to stay healthy.


1. What do old people in your country do to keep fit?
Old people do a lot to keep fit. They do yoga, go for walks, eat healthy food, avoid junk food and take proper food supplements.
2. What kinds of sports are popular in India?
India is a diverse country. All types of sports are popular such as cricket, hockey, football, volleyball, tennis and so on.
3. Do you think young people should play dangerous sports?
Yes, they should if they want to. However, they should do so under proper supervision and after undergoing proper training from licensed companies.
4. What else people can do to keep fit besides sports? People can avoid fast foods and eat healthy and balanced diet.
5. What can parents do to make their children like sports?
They can make them join sports classes. They can act as role models. If they themselves play outdoor sports, their children will automatically follow them. Even if they don’t play themselves, they can go out with their children and watch them play.
