
Maintaining public libraries is a waste of time since digital technology is now replacing their function. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Digital technology has without question changed the way we read and access books and this threatens the role of the public library. My view is that while there is a good argument for saying libraries are much less relevant nowadays, they still perform a vital function and should be be maintained.


The advance of online reading technologies and services is one compelling argument in favour of limiting any funding public libraries . It is now possible to not just buy almost any book you want online through stores such as Amazon, you are also able to borrow books for a small subscription fee from various sites. Indeed, these online services are generally much more comprehensive and reliable than any provided by a local library where you can often have to wait weeks for the book you want. In these circumstances, it is quite possible to argue that public libraries are out of date and have been largely overtaken by technology.


Despite this, public libraries do still have some role to play and it would be a mistake to abolish them entirely. One such role is lending books to children and encouraging children to acquire the reading habit books by having schemes that reward them for borrowing books on a regular basis. Many parents who are anxious about the amount of screen time their children have would much prefer to visit a library where they can more closely monitor the books their children are taking out. Another important role public libraries perform is stocking a wide range of reference books and more specialised books that are typically not available via online services. While these services may be limited, they still matter and show that libraries still perform an important function.


My conclusion is a mixed one. On the one hand, I believe it is true that nearly all the function of libraries have been replaced by digital technology, but in some areas, namely children’s books and reference books, public libraries do have a role to play.

