
The international community must act immediately to ensure that all countries reduce their consumption of fossil fuels, such as gas and oil.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Fossil fuels such as gas and oil are non-renewable resources and can cause environmental problems. Therefore, some people think that the international community must take action to ensure that all countries reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. I cannot agree with the opinion,

It is true that fossil fuels can cause problems to the environment and human health. The over- consumption of fossil fuels has led to environmental problems such as air pollution and global warming, which dramatically affects our living quality. For example, bad air quality can cause respiratory diseases. Apart from that, fossil fuels are non-renewable resources and it is reported that they will be used up in the near future.

However, it is not reasonable to have every country cut down their consumption of these resources. In most countries, fossil fuels play an important role in modern industries and our daily life. Until now, they are still the dominant energy resource in transportation, manufacturing and heating. In addition, although clean and renewable resources such as wind and unclear power have been strongly recommended during recent years, many underdeveloped countries are still unable to develop and utilize these kinds of energy due to lack of advanced technology and abundant financial support.

To conclude, people all over the world have the obligation to conserve these precious non- renewable resources to obtain sustainable development. After all, we have only one Earth and if we keep consuming the resources without restriction, our offspring will suffer a lot. But the restriction should also be flexible by considering different country’s economic status and technological development.
