The natural resources such as oil, forests and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What danger is caused?
How can we solve these problems?
It is seen around the world that the consumption of natural resources is increasing rapidly. As the demand on these resources maintains high, it would trigger some serious problems.
The main threat that people should be aware of is the shortage of supply which may happen soon in a large scale and this will lead to a terrible chain effect on economic development and people’s everyday living condition. Natural resources like oil and fresh water are non- renewable, so by the day they are used up we will see plenty of factories being shut down and millions of households lack of electricity and heat. In a word, when these valuable resources are gone, the prosperity of human society will diminish.
Another danger that requires concern is environmental problems related to the overuse of some resources like fossil fuels. These energy resources produce tons of toxic substances in the air while being burnt without proper methods. The more they are consumed this way, themore deteriorating the environment can be.
I think there are a few measures to keep the threats under control and minimize the potential danger. First, it is necessary for government to issue laws on the use of any kinds of natural resources. Individuals and business must obey the rules strictly otherwise punishment will be applied. Second, the use of these resources should be guided to make sure that people know what to do. There can be programs on TV educating people about energy saving or supervising systems installed in factories to warn workers about their wasting behavior.
To conclude, the high demand on natural resources could lead to severe consequences, so legal actions and guidance need to be introduced to solve this problem.