
2018-03-24: Task 2 (India; Egypt)
Some people prefer to plan activities for their free time very carefully. Others disagree. Discuss both views, and give you opinion


It is a fact that every individual spend his/her free time differently, as a group of people choose to spend their leisure time without any plan at all, while others prefer to spend it with agenda and schedule. Planned or unplanned leisure activities have their own positive sides but I prefer to have a planned free time activities and the following essay will discuss them in details.

To begin with, some people prefer to spend their leisure activities freely, without any schedules. They believe that free time activities should be totally different from their daily activities, whereas they are full of routine activities, tight deadlines and busy schedules. They believe that leisure time should be spent in doing anything they like doing that time, and they could do it as long as they like. For example, some people prefer sunbath activity at the beach during holiday periods, and they prefer to do it without any time limit. They will end their sunbathing activities after they are satisfied.

For a number of reasons, another group of people believe that free time activities would be more effective and efficient if they plan it. Firstly, by doing some preparation, they already have the agenda for the day on what to do, what to see and how will they travel to those places, therefore they could visit more attractive and unique places during their holiday time. Secondly, a planned holiday would definitely save more budgets. People who planned their holiday time could book airline tickets and accommodations from an earlier period. As a result, they get cheaper prices for aeroplane tickets and the hotel’s room rate as well.

In conclusion, it is a fact that some people prefer to plan their holiday or leisure time, while others choose not to plan it. Each side has its own advantages, but I personally choose to have a planned holiday time, as I could see more attractive places during that time and save more money.


Everybody enjoys having free time to spend doing their favourite activities such as playing, watching movies, hanging out with friends and, it is the moment when people free from their daily occupations & obligations. Each one of them has their own way to pass away this time. Some people prefer to plan activities for their spare time very carefully, others prefer not to make any plan. Both of these approaches have some benefits that should be discussed.

From the one side, planning nothing for some leisure time has some benefits. It releases that people from being all the time under pressure of planning activities and controlling the time. Those things can bore people, especially, if they fail in keeping their plan. In addition, knowing nothing about what to do in the free time can be exciting because, it lets man to feel pleasure what they suddenly decided to do rather than doing what was planned to be done.

From the other side, careful planning also has many advantages. In the business world free time is very valuable for people they want to spend their time properly. A person should plan ahead, in order to enjoy activities without wasting time. As we know time is money! &, life is short so it is better to plan what we want to as not to miss anything important. Besides, it is the key to live organized and free of stresses from unexpected problems when person don’t plan of their leisure time they don’t know what to do.

To sum up, it is impossible to plan our activities everytime, but. we can learn to manage our time by handling such situations. Therefore, I would prefer to plan my activities to save my time.
