2018-04-07: Task 2 (Canada)
Some people think that people who are over 60 years old should not work and retire earlier. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
With the passing age, capabilities of human beings goes on decreasing due to which their efficiency a work also get effected. This why the governments and private companies have set the retiring age between 58 and 60 years. But, in my opinion I am partly in accord with this notion that after 60 people should made to retire from jobs.
To embark on, the first reason for substantiating this statement is that if old people holds their position’s even after age of 60, there will be no vacancy for young people. Hence, it will result in upraising the problem of unemployment, which is already haunting the youth of our country. Secondly, the age of senior citizens inhibits in their work, which can instigate some serious losses to a company. Lastly, at this age people become more rigid and they lose there flexibility to adapt to any change in work, further hampering their performance.
On the flip side, sometimes people are sole bread earner in their homes, so if such people are retired can be major setback to them. Furthermore, due to their prolonged services, old people are highly experienced, therefore they become assets of the company. In such cases, instead of relieving them, they should be kept as patron or mentor to training and guiding young staff to bring out best of them.
To conclude, I would like to say some it very hard to retire people after age of 60 years, but to give chance to new and young people they should be retired.
The age of retirement has always been a topic of debate. To which, a few people believe that people of age 60 or over should accept volunteer retirement while others argue that age should not be a deciding factor. In my opinion, if someone is fit and fine then they should invest their time in guiding future generation and working till they want.
To begin with, human body wore off by 60’s and becomes very weak. Higher post or any position for that matter demands a huge commitment and hard work, which is very difficult for old people as their body is weak and vulnerable to several diseases. For instance, majority of sick leaves are taken by elderly in most organization. Moreover, they should make a room for new generation who are strong, confident and energetic to work around the clock. Besides, young people deliver exceptional flexibility and aware about the technological advancements in the market, which comes very handy in the growth of organization. Thus, people should be encouraged to retire after certain age.
However, senior citizens have several things to offer, which only comes with lifetime of experience. They possess deep understanding of the core value of any business because they were the part of it since its beginning, to which newcomers often display ignorance under the effect of arrogance and degrade the reputation. For example, many organizations have their senior executives over sixties and were a part of the organization from a long time. Moreover, If someone is physically and mentally fit, it violation of employment laws, which cannot be broken under any circumstances. Thus, it is not mandatory to retire after some arbitrary age.
In conclusion, if somebody is physically fit, the age is just a number and should be allowed to work as long as they want. Thus, rather than discriminating, we should learn to take advantage of their intelligence.