2019-03-23雅思G类小作文全球真题:飓风毁房 解释信

2019-03-23: Task 1
A letter to your friend who were traveling overseas, and you were staying at their apartment. There was a storm at that time and the apartment got damaged.
In the letter, you should:
  • tell your friend about the storm
  • explain how the damage got
  • detail what repairs need to be done.

Dear Anna,

I hope this letter of mine finds you and your family in ravishing health. I am writing to inform about a storm that happened around your residential area while you are visiting Korea with children and husband for vacation.

I hope by this time, you may have got the information by the mean news about this unfortunate disaster. As I m taking care of your apartment in your absence, I was in the kitchen for breakfast when the storm started around 11.00 am in the morning and last for around three hours, by the god grace nothing serious happened to the house and I am safe too. As per now, the flight is banned until the situation becomes normal.

Although, one part of the balcony is wall broken and the garage door is also damaged a bit, apart from this a few household items also got destroyed some by winds including television, one glass table, and some artifacts or showpieces.

Along with that, things which need to be repaired are a few fissures on wall and roof are apparent and widen now, also paint on doors and windows, with balcony and garage area. Meanwhile, I will look for some basic help around. Hope to see you soon, and give my best to the family.

Best Regards,
