2019-03-23雅思G类小作文全球真题: 推介商品 解释信

2019-03-23: Task 1
Write a letter to your friend who is starting an import/export business and asked you for recommendation for a product from your own country.
In the letter, you should:
  • What the product will be
  • From which region of your country where it came from
  • Why it is a good product to export.

Dear Vignesh,

I was delighted to receive your message. In your message, you stated that you would be starting an import and export business soon in Singapore. I’m really happy for you.

I’d like to recommend you to import fruits and vegetables, especially tomatoes from Malaysia. Tomato farming is very popular in the southern regions of Malaysia. Tomatoes play an essential part in our daily food regardless of the cuisine. Singapore being an island nation does not have enough farmlands to cultivate any vegetable or fruit and this is the main reason I recommend you to import tomato. Tomatoes require an optimum temperature and adequate water supply which are available in the southern regions of Malaysia. There are many grades and varieties available depending on the quality of the tomatoes.

Since Singapore is very close to southern Malaysia, transportation by road is readily available all year round. If we plan to buy in bulk quantities, you will also get great discounts. Please think about it and let me know.

I’d love to hear from you, soon.

Warm wishes,

