1. Where did you play when you were a child?
When I was younger, I liked playing outdoors. There was a forest really close to my house. I liked exploring it with my friends. It was small, so it was safe for us to walk around in. I loved being in nature. It helped me relax.
2. Did you prefer outdoor play or indoor play when you were young?
I definitely preferred outdoor play. As a kid, I loved going outside. It was great breathing in fresh air and running around. I got bored staying inside. Being in nature was really relaxing.
3. Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors?
When I was little, I liked being outdoors. But now I like being inside better. The weather is really unpredictable when you’re outside. Once I was working on an important project outside. But then
it started raining. It ruined all my work.
4. Is it important for children to play outdoors?
Yes, it is. If they only stay inside, they might spend too much time on their cellphones and video games. But when kids go outside, they’re more active. Plus, they can get more exercise.
5. Did you often go over to your friends’ houses when you were young?
When I was little, I lived close to my best friend. So yeah, I visited a lot. She and I spent a lot of time together. We played a lot of video games in her bedroom. We had lots of fun with each other.