Describe a beautiful sky you enjoyed seeing You should say:
Where you saw it
Who you saw it with
What you saw And How you felt about it
The most beautifiil sky that I have ever seen definitely would be the sunset in Sanya. Sanya is a seaside city on Hainan Island, which is off the south coast of China in the tropical regions. The weather there is meant to be fantastic and the skies, particularly the sunsets, are utterly beautiful.
The reason why I have the chance to see this particular sky is that my best friend introduced it to me. His name is Chen and he moved to Sanya from Beijing when he was young. We have kept in contact with each other ever since he moved away. The one thing he would always describe in his words was walking down to the beach and watching the sunset. He made it sound so beautiful. So, last winter vacation my family and I took a trip to Sanya.
Chen took me to see the most beautiful sky in sanya, which was completely different from what I saw in Beijing. The sun was round and red, like an duck egg yolk. We could even see another sun which was reflected on the sea, the colour of sky also changed from sky blue to red, and finally turned into deep purple.
I think the reason why I want to see it so much is that I live in Beijing and here the sunsets are rarely as beautiful as the ones Chen describes. Unfortunately, in Beijing a lot of the sky is blocked out by skyscrapers and is further unclear due to air pollution. Therefore, the sunset in Sanya would be a truly special experience.
我潜经看过最美的天空,那一定是三亚的日落。三亚是海南岛上的一个海滨小镇,位于 中国南部沿海的热带地区。那里的天气非常好,尤其是日落,非常美丽。
我之所以能看到如此特别的天空,是因为我的一个好朋友很小的时候就从北京到了三 亚。他的名字叫陈,自从他搬走后,我们就一直通信。他总是在信中描述的一件事是走 到海边看日落。他使它听起来如此美丽和美妙。每次陈写信给我,我总是告诉我的家人 他在信中所写的一切。因此,我们全家都梦想着三亚的日落。于是在去年寒假,我们全家一起去了二亚。
陈带我看到了三亚最美的天空,和平时看到的完全不同。太阳圆圆的红红的倒影在海面 上,跟个鸭蛋黄一样,天空也从天蓝色变成红色,最后变成深深地紫色》
我想我如此难忘原因是我住在北京,这里的日落很少像陈描述的那样美丽。不幸的是, 在北京,很多天空被高楼大厦挡住了,由于空气污染,天空变得更加模糊。因此,三亚 的日落将是一个真正特殊的体验。