Describe an advertisement that you remember well You should say:
Where you saw it
What was it about
What it was like
Why you remember it well
An advertisement that I will remember for a very long time was the one which aired on television for the ISY Music Festival. This was a large electronic music festival in the Hainan beach resort of Sanya. It came on the television immediately after I had been watching the news.
I was about to turn the television off but this advert drew my attention. I had never seen an advertisement like it, the music was so energetic and upbeat, and the advertisement was full of beautiful images. It showed the sunny beaches of Hainan Island full of crowds of young people dancing to music and having fun. For the next few weeks, the advert played frequently on the television. Whenever it would come on, I would instantly recognise it by the music and it always put me in a very good mood.
Most advertisements are boring and just attempt to sell you a product. The advertisement for the ISY Music Festival was different, this advertisement showed you what it would be like to be there. It played the upbeat music and showed the crowds of happy people. The advertisement made me really want to be there and it was very effective. I often think of the advertisement when I am listening to music, I believe that the advertisement will stay in my mind for a long time to come.
我记得很长一段时间的广告是电视上播放的伊丝音乐节。它是在海南三亚海滨度假区举 办的大型电子音乐节。我刚看完新闻,这条广告就在电视上出现了。
我正准备关掉电视,但这条广告吸引了我的注倉力。我从来没有见过这样的广告,配乐 非常积极乐观,广告充满了美丽的画面。它展示了海南岛阳光明媚的海滩上挤满了年轻 人,随着音乐跳舞,玩得很开心。在接下来的几周里,这则广告频繁地在电视上播放。 每当音乐响起,我就会立刻从音乐中认出它,它总是让我心情很好。
大多数广告都很无聊,只是想向你推销一种产品。伊丝音乐节的广告是不同的,这个广 告向你展示了在那里的感觉。它播放着欢快的音乐,向人们展示了快乐的人群。这则广 告效果非常好,让我非常想去那里。我经常在听音乐的时候想起这条广告,我相信它会 在我心中停留很长一段时间。