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2019年9-12月 雅思口语 Part 3 Topic 31 借过的好用东西(9-12月新题)

1. What kind of things do people borrow from each other?

People normally borrow useful things from each other that are needed in a time of urgency. This can be a whole range of different items. It used to be a common occurrence that someone may go to their neighbor to borrow a cup of sugar when baking. Nowadays, it is more likely that we borrow someone’s portable charger when our phone is dying. However, the principle is the same, they are both essential items needed in a time of urgency.

2. What are the things that people do not choose to lend to others?

A thing which many people refuse to lend to others is money. There are many wise proverbs that warn against being in debt or lending money to people. Lending money to people can often lead to tensions in friendships when the money is not paid back on time. Unlike lending tools and items, such as a portable charger, money can be much harder to get back. You have to wait until they have the money to pay you back and this can be a rather unpleasant experience.

3. Do we always need to get permissions from others before using something they have?

It is right and proper to always get permission from others before using something they own. On the one hand it is simple courtesy, this is someone else?s property and you have no right to use it without permission. Yet, it is also important for the prevention of panic. For example, if one was to borrow a very important item from someone without asking them first when that person realizes it is gone they may panic and think it has been lost or stolen. Therefore, it is very important we get permission before we use other people’s property.

4. What do you think of copying ideas from others?

Copying ideas from other people is either good or bad dependent on the context of the copying, JThere are some situations in which copying someone else’s ideas can be beneficial. For example, in team sports games if one team member has really good ideas about how to play the game, copying them is good for the whole team. However, a lot of copying of ideas could be considered plagiarism. It is wrong to copy peopled intellectual work. If someone copies another person’s art, literature or academic work then I consider this to be very wrong.

