2019年9-12月 雅思口语 Part 3 Topic 37 选工作或专业的建议(9-12月新题)

1. So many young people choose communication and media studies as their major?

Nowadays communication and media studies seems like a very suitable choice as someone^ major. This is because the world has rapidly changed and online media and communications services have become an everyday part of everyone^ lives. Therefore, there are many viable career paths and a lot of money to be made in communication and media, so it is a common major. I believe that it will probably become more and more popular in the future.

2. Why do young people find it hard to make career choices?

Some young people find it hard to make a career choice because the job market has become so competitive. There are a lot of careers in which there are not enough jobs to go round. Because of this, often young people are very hesitant about making their career choice because they are worried their career choice may be a very difficult career to become established in. Nobody wants to choose a career where it will be a difficult struggle to get a job.

3. What can affect the career choices of young people?

The career choices of young people are heavily affected by developments in technology and the state of the economy. Technology changes the environment of careers both by opening new avenues such as careers in social media and other software but also by ending old jobs through the use of automation and AI. Yet, overall the economy still has the largest impact on the career choices of young people. When the economy is struggling there is less decent work to find so many young people will look for work abroad in different countries.

4. Can people have free choices of their jobs?

Some people have more freedom than others when it comes to having free choices of their jobs. People who are well educated and have obtained good degrees from prestigious universities often have access to a wide range of jobs as they are desirable employees. However, somebody who did not go to university and does not have a lot of experience will have very few job offers. Therefore, how much freedom somebody has with the choice of their job is completely dependent on their history.
